Why I hate Rev. Jake & The Federal Superpersons Administation
Ok , so my PR guy , "Ted" tells me that I need to this blog thing to help with my "Q points" whatever the f*ck those are. Hey Ted, does the fact I bust the heads of lowlife scum not enugh to keep the norms happy , f*cking prick! Well he counters with " the kids would love it." HA ! Kids listen to me, you think you want to be a super hero, but you have no idea, you think the villians a kill you, WRONG it's the damn papper work and the fact that it's more about who you know rather what you can do.
FSA Clerk : "Hello Sir State your name and your power"
Super Dude: I'm Fast as lightning, strong as an A bomb...
FSA : are you nuclear Sir ?
SD : What ? , ah , no ..
FSA : If you are nuclear you will need to file a "C1-296 T Form"
SD : but I ...
FSA : Back of the line sir
SD : wait..ah...
SA : back of the line sir
You see kids that's what we get stuck with after years of saving the world time and time again, we get stuck with this kind of BS. I tell you more than one super villian was made waiting in a FSA line. This leads me to the whole Rev.Jake thing.
After the Guatemala thing, my agent told me I should distance myself from Jake and that it was far time for me to strike out on my own. I had to agree, after all that whole gag order thing still keeps me appearing on any talk shows or give interviews over 5 min. So I felt that leaving the boro' wasn't a bad thing ( and let's not even talk about my ex Ice Queen btw thank you thermonuclear girl for killing her by "mistake" last year, hehe). and thus I set my eyes on the city of Nu Ebony.
Ah man let me tell you it was going to be great! Working beside Brown Justice, The Black-Men Force, and Nubin girl ah...so sexy, sorry, but man you see my point. I had changed my name and was set to go but as usual Jake f*cked me! day before my big move I was called by the FSA and told that my license in Nu Ebony was revoked. When i asked why I was told that my hero mentor refused to sign me off as his sidekick. The asshole refused to let me go my own way.
For you norms out there let me tell you that we heros don't just to put on tights and a cape and become supers, there are many levels we have to fullfill in order to be your protector. Some of us like Mofo are grandfathered in, that means that someone in your bloodline was a hero and are willing to pass the name onto you, thing is they can no longer be a hero. This works out real well if say your father or mother is killed in the line of duty but can be a real bitch if you got a hero daddy that doesn't know when to hang it up . Ask LC it took his dad "The Drunk" puking on the President TWICE to give it up. The other way, the way that the rest of go throught is an Apprenticeship or as it's commonly called a "sidekick."
We serve under some jackass hero usualy in our youth untill the cockweed sees fit to let us go it on our own, but since the heros get a check and tax write off for having a sidekick most SKs get stuck being a decoy & do boy well into our late teens or 20's or untill we kick the mentors ass.
Well needless to say I could kick Jakes ass since I was 15 and did so offten but I felt bad for the guy. I liked all the church girls who "had never done this before" and for the most part we never did sh*t.
Then came Guatemala, that stupid f*ck why would you...
FSA banned FSA banned FSA
that's why I had to split,
Getting paged from Ted seems the FSA wants to talk to me about what i'm typing. We'll go into why I'm in Good Haven and not Nu Ebony tomarrow.
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